World Class Activation can be Attrition Insurance to help you avoid disaster

July 7, 2023
5 min read
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Sponsorship partner attrition refers to the situation where companies experience a loss or decline in their sponsorship partnerships over time.

This can be detrimental to a company's marketing and brand-building efforts, as sponsorship partnerships often provide valuable exposure and opportunities to reach target audiences.

To avoid sponsorship partner attrition, companies can consider the following strategies:

Clear and Aligned Objectives (Agency, Brands)*

Clearly define your objectives and align them with your sponsorship partners' goals. It's crucial to establish mutual understanding and ensure that both parties have a shared vision of what they want to achieve through the partnership. This alignment sets a strong foundation for a long-lasting relationship. This is something that you will want to establish before you sign any sponsorship agreement and it’s critical that you are true to yourself about these objectives everyday of your partnership.

Long-Term Relationship Approach (Agency, Brands & Rights Holders)

Instead of viewing sponsorships as one-off transactions, adopt a long-term relationship approach. Invest time and effort into building strong connections with your sponsorship partners. Regular communication and collaboration foster trust, loyalty, and a sense of mutual benefit, reducing the likelihood of attrition.

Deliver Value (Rights Holders)*

Consistently deliver value to your sponsorship partners. Go beyond the basic obligations outlined in the sponsorship agreement. Understand their needs and find ways to provide additional benefits. This can include customized marketing campaigns, exclusive access to resources, or leveraging your network to create new opportunities.

Activation and Engagement (Rights Holders)*

Actively engage with your sponsorship partners and help them activate their sponsorship assets. Assist them in leveraging the partnership to maximize brand exposure, reach, and engagement. This could involve joint marketing campaigns, social media collaborations, or leveraging events and platforms to showcase their brand.

Measurement and Reporting (Agency and Brands)*

The burden of this element has often been placed on rights holder. However, the most critical measures are often held within the confines of the client. Make sure whatever tools you use the manage your company’s overall success is connected to your sponsorship. Regularly measure and report on the impact and outcomes of the sponsorship partnership. Rights holders, when possible provide your partners with clear insights into the value they are receiving from the collaboration. This demonstrates transparency and accountability, showcasing the tangible benefits of the relationship and encouraging continued partnership.

Flexibility and Adaptability (Rights Holders)

Your client’s business landscape is ever-changing (and moves quicker than most rights holders) and your company must be flexible and adaptable in their approach to sponsorship partnerships. Stay attuned to market trends, evolving consumer preferences, and industry developments. Continually assess the relevance and effectiveness of your partnerships, making adjustments as needed to maintain their value and appeal.

Collaboration and Feedback (Agency, Brand & Right Holders)

Foster a collaborative relationship with your sponsorship partners. Encourage open and honest feedback, and actively seek their input on how the partnership can be improved. Regularly assess the satisfaction levels of your partners and address any concerns or issues promptly.

Customized Partnership Packages (Rights Holder)*

Avoid offering generic sponsorship packages and instead, develop tailored partnership proposals that address the specific needs and goals of potential partners. This demonstrates a deeper understanding of their business and creates a more compelling case for collaboration.

Regular Communication and Relationship Building (Agency, Brand & Rights Holder)*

Maintain regular communication with your sponsorship partners beyond the initial agreement. Schedule periodic meetings, check-ins, and progress updates to discuss ongoing initiatives, address any concerns, and explore new opportunities. This proactive approach helps to nurture the relationship and ensures that both parties stay engaged and invested in the partnership's success.

Evaluation and Optimization (Agency, Brand & Rights Holder)*

Continuously evaluate the effectiveness and impact of your sponsorship partnerships. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), such as brand exposure, customer engagement, and sales metrics. Use this data to optimize your strategies and make data-driven decisions. Regular evaluations allow you to identify areas of improvement and make necessary adjustments to ensure the partnership remains mutually beneficial.

Exclusive Benefits and Incentives (Rights Holder)*

Offer exclusive benefits and incentives to your sponsorship partners to maintain their interest and loyalty. This could include exclusive access to new products or services, preferential rates for additional advertising or marketing opportunities, or priority placement at events or trade shows. Providing added value beyond the basic sponsorship agreement strengthens the partnership and reduces the likelihood of attrition.

Contract Renewal Planning (Rights Holder)

Start the contract renewal process well in advance and include this language in your first agreement with your partners. Initiate discussions with your sponsorship partners at least 1 month for every $100K being spent (ie $1M deals are 10 months prior) before the current agreement expires to express your interest in continuing the partnership. Include exclusive renewal windows where you are only talking to them about this partnership.

Exit Strategy and Transition Planning (Agency, Brands & Rights Holder)

In the event that a sponsorship partnership does come to an end, ensure a smooth transition and positive closure. Maintain open lines of communication during the exit process, expressing gratitude for the partnership and exploring potential future collaborations. Maintaining positive relationships, even after the partnership ends, can lead to opportunities for future partnerships or referrals.

Remember, successful sponsorship partnerships require ongoing effort, collaboration, and a commitment to mutual success. By implementing these strategies and continually investing in the relationship, companies can minimize sponsorship partner attrition and build enduring partnerships that contribute to their overall marketing and business objectives.

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