Sponsorship Asset Management

Our mission is to increase the value of sponsorship assets by increasing the productivity and efficiency of people who buy, sell, or consult on them.

In 2012, Cameron Oliver was living in Bowling Green, Ohio working at Falcon Sports as an account executive. Out of the blue, he received a call from Montana State University with an enormous opportunity: become the General Manager of Learfield Sports.

Over the 4th of July, he drove the 1,800-mile journey from Bowling Green to Bozeman to start work a mere 45 days from football kickoff.

Montana State University. Go Bobcats!

With almost no time, Cam got to work. But there were many things he still didn't know. Who bought what, where the signs were, who installed signs, where the radio broadcast was, or who was in charge.

As a result, he only executed 80% of the contracts in that first game.

He apologized to sponsors and vowed to never let it happen again.

That painful start led to a new system. Excel sheets with dozens of pages and hundreds of rows. It wasn't perfect, but it helped Cam and his team stay organized.

And over the years, it made a difference.

Revenue increased by 278% over 3 seasons. Attrition decreased by 19%. Four people on his team were hired full-time.

Actual screenshots of Cam's PDF/Spreadsheet system.

Cam dreamed of making this system better. He realized that spreadsheets, while powerful, certainly had their limitations. But without a team, building software sounded impossible.

Cam left Montana to work in tech sales. Through the years he learned more about software and met some incredible people. Two of them were Ben Fjare, a talented designer, and Brandon O'Hara, a master software engineer.

Together they created the first prototype of Trak. It didn't have nearly as many features as we have now, but was an enormous improvement to Cam's original system at Montana State.

Screenshot of our first prototype created by Cam, Ben, and Brandon.

They took this prototype and pitched it to people they knew. NBA teams, NFL teams, and anyone else they thought could benefit. 

Those people became Trak's first customers. None of this would exist without them taking a risk on a scrappy team trying to make something better. Thank you!   

We started selling to more people, adding new features, and adding team members. Trak has grown to be the #1 activation software used by NFL teams, agencies, and Fortune 500 companies worldwide.

We have mobile apps, presentation tools, and other features we couldn't have dreamed of in 2012.

And our team has grown. People all over the globe are working with clients, building software, and finding new companies we can help.

While things are bigger, the reason we do things hasn't changed.

"We believe sponsorships help organizations grow. We believe we have created the best solution to help people manage sponsorships effectively." -Cameron Oliver

Want to Know More? Click below to schedule a private one-on-one Trak Demo.